Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Of Shaadi and bachelorhood .....

One of the problems of being ‘semi-out’ in Indian society, is the endless number of relatives who bug you about your impending marriage. (notice my use of the word impending?). And now I’m being bugged like hell for mine as well.

So my mom laughs and shrugs it off when anyone asks. (she dare not tell them about my, ahem, deviance. I’ve been given freedom to what I want but having the freedom to not hide myself doesn’t seem to be included.) So she laughs and says, he’s too young right now. Well she can continue using that excuse for a few moer years, but then dearest mom, you’ll have to come up with a new one.

So anyway, bugged with all this, I’ve decided to relocate for some time. So I’m moving to work in New Jersey. For a year or so. So let’s see what NJ holds in store for this semi-closeted eligible bachelor Indian…


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I read your blog
    i also start bloggging on thhis same topic
    Actually i writs about my G life
    I would like to invite you as a gust writer to my blog.. Will you??

  3. Hello, I found your blog through Humanidadgay. And let me say it's a good finding. Must be hard to deal with certain subjects in India, I'd like to believe it's easier here in Peru but it isn't.

    I'd love to count you as follower of my blog, and of course, I'll add myself as follower of your blog.

  4. I havent told my parents yet and whenever my parents come up with my marriage talk, i go like 'Some people are destined to be alone'
    heehee and they dont talk about my marriage anymore....told them that i'll adopt too...damnit they just DONT get the hint.
    Oooh!!! New Jersey!!
    Good luck!!!
    I'm guessing a lot must have happened by now.

  5. I am sure you would flourish in NJ. I'm looking forward to the day when I can do the same.
    That being said, I think you should appreciate your mom for being as accepting of your sexuality (albeit grudgingly)as she is.
