Saturday, March 13, 2010

A Fantasy Sex list

So recently I turned 25 and was brawling about it to AJ.

“My youth is slipping away,” I cried, “There are so many things I still wanted to do!”

“What the hell do you mean?” AJ snapped, “Is there anything you’ve not done? You’ve done every goddamn kinky thing there is to do. What’s possibly left?”

“Well…” I paused as AJ looked at me earnestly.

“I’ve never had sex with a guy in uniform!”

“Yeah? What else?”

“And I’ve never tried it on Viagra.”

“But you don’t need Viagra?” AJ raised his eyebrows. “Do you?”

“Yeah, but I wanted to try it out once. Before I… actually start needing it.”

“Anything else on this stupid list of things to do before your so called youth runs out?”

“I’ve never done it with a black guy!”

“And so we’ve heard….” AJ made a helpless gesture.

“And my ultimate fantasy….” I paused for dramatic effect. “I’ve never done it with identical male twins!”

AJ’s eyes kind of glazed over. “Yeah… that one’s gonna remain a fantasy.”

“You see?” I wailed. There’s so many things to do and my youth Is just slipping away right under my ….”

AJ whacked me on the back of my head with a book. I grumbled something about never discussing my fantasies with him again and continued sipping my coffee.

1 comment:

  1. ah, fantasies... we all need them. black men are a dime a dozen, but twins will probably elude all of us.
